Almeria: Special European dinner by seaside

About this activity

Almería is an amazing city in Andalusia, located in the southeast of Spain on the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Discover a piscturesque country, Zapillo, and enjoy a unique atmosphere with a special dinner.

Meet your friendly cooking and host, Javier, and enter in his wonderful home by seaside. Learn all about traditional European cuisine as you taste the delicious dishes he has prepared for you.

This is a sample menu:


- Mantequilla de jamón (traditional ham and butter)

- Paté de setas (mushroom paté)

- Pan casero (homemade bread)

Main courses

- Tallarines frescos con huevo poché y salsa Nantúa (traditional pasta dish with fish)

- Sopa Bullabesa al estilo de Marsella (fish soup)

- Magret de pato con salsa Soubise (traditional dish)


- Suflé de frambuesa (strawberry suflé).

Take a sip of good wine and enjoy this exclusive experience in Spain!

70% Nightlife
65% Tourism
50% Cultural