Bordeaux Treasure Hunt With Geolocalizated Tablet

1 h
About this activity
Discover the city in the most funny and interesting way with our treasure hunt 2.0 ! You can do it on foot, by electric bike and scooter or Segway.
You’ll spend good time discovering the secrets of the city and solving different riddles together with your team, within a fixed period of time.
The main target is to develop the sense of orientation and observation of the players but above all to strengthen the cohesion of the group.
Every team will be equipped with a gps tablet that will make it easier to solve the riddles, every solved riddle reports different points to a team. At the end of the match the debriefing on the screen will give the last extra points, the most creative team will be the winner.
Isn’t required particular knowdlege, just a minium of observation, resourcefulness and, above all, genuine team spirit.
75% Cultural
65% Original
35% Nightlife