Cartagena Discovery Tour: Experience a Colombian Marketplace

About this activity
Cartagena is known throughout Colombia for its charming old town, quaint cobblestone streets, and relaxing seaside resorts. But just 15 minutes away from the center, you will discover a much more bustling and busy area! At its heart lies the Bazurto Market, a vast labyrinth of open-air stalls swarming with shouting vendors, bargain hunters, and all kinds of exotic produce ranging from granadilla fruits to parrotfish. Before, adventurous tourists would attempt to navigate all the chaos only to get lost and confused -- but fear not, as this exclusive insider tour will guide you every step along the way. First, get to know the oldest and most popular businesses of Bazurto Market, and the people who run them on a personal basis. Then, listen to the lively beats and rhythms of Champeta, a popular Afro-Colombian genre of dance music. Finish the tour by trying an array of authentic dishes and drinks, letting every flavor dance on your tongue. Lunch will be served at the very end at one of the market's most well-known restaurants. With expert guides and a comprehensive tour route, this experience is not to be missed, unless you're faint of heart!
85% Cultural
40% Sport
30% Original