Ghastly History of the East Side Tour in Milwaukee

About this activity
Seven-seater bikes are an amazing form of family fun that combine all the work of a traditional tandem bike into a group-led affair of laughs, cooperation, and occasionally absurd navigation. Surprisingly easy to use and intuitive even for younger riders, the bikes can be adjusted to face different directions as you work together to move forward.

Each weekend, a guide will join you near Prospect Avenue, where you will proceed along the eastern side of the city to learn more about the less reputable settlers who once called the city their home. Although today the neighborhood is packed full of bars and theaters, art galleries and restaurants, this hip and trendy area was once the center of some of the craziest and strangest stories in Milwaukee's diverse and varied history. Learn where famous crimes were once committed, where they buried the bodies, and what mysteries remain as you pedal the streets by lamplight with a group of friends or family.
95% Cultural